Our first annual golf day raises over £2,200 for great local causes

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On the 17th April Community Link Foundation held it’s first golf day which was supported by 11 teams of 4 people taking part.
The event held at the wonderful Southport and Ainsdale Golf Club was enjoyed by everyone and included a golf tutorial by professional Jim Payne in the morning and a presentation dinner in the evening in the newly refurbished clubhouse at S&A.
Everyone that attended had a great day raising money for great local causes, David Barron, Chairperson of Community Link Foundation said “to have such great support for our first golf day is fabulous and to have raised so much in 1 day is a fantastic achievement, there was lots of great golf and everyone had a super day and we are grateful to Jim and his colleagues at S&A for hosting us in such superb fashion
On the day there were prizes for the best score, longest drive and nearest the pin, and our thanks also go to our supporters who donated prizes including, Brakes Food Services, Formby Hall Golf resort and Spa and Southport and Ainsdale Golf Club.
Such a success was the day that everyone vowed to return again next year when it is hoped that more teams will take part and be involved with Community link Foundation in such a superb way.



