8 intrepid staff from Genting Casino Southport have decided to undertake a grueling challenge and raise money for Community Link Foundation at the same time. This really is a personal challenge for each one of them and we wish them the very best of luck.
Awesome Venue, Exciting New Course
In 2018 Tough Mudder Yorkshire will be returning to the grounds of Broughton Hall. The same beautiful location does not equal the same course however and in 2018 we’ll be bringing brand new obstacles to one of the most challenging courses in the UK. Add to that copious amounts of mud, varied terrain and a few thousand Mudders and you’ve got yourself a good time.
10 Miles, 20+ Obstacles
World-renowned for its epic scenery, the rolling dales of Yorkshire are the perfect spot for Mudder action. You’ll need your teammates though, to tackle the dream combination of classic obstacles and brand spanking new challenges set in the heart of the UK countryside.
[button class=”” link=”http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=Genting8Mudders&isTeam=true” bgcolor=”#ffffff” textcolor=”#477362″ bordercolor=”#477362″ target=”_self” padding=”0″]MORE INFO[/button]