Community Link and Autism Initiatives

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The Community Link Foundation was delighted to be able to assist a grant request from Autism Initiatives – Mere Brow Resource Centre who were looking for funding to create a Winter Wonderland area to promote social interaction at the Centre.

The request included lighting, decoration and entertainment equipment which will be used to create an area that will enhance mental wellbeing and encourage communication amongst service users.

Andrea Brown who met with representatives from Community Link and Southport Ambassador Awards commented on how grateful the team at the Centre were to receive the award.

Southport Tourism Business Network who hosted the Ambassador Awards recently and raised £680 for Community Link Foundation were delighted to see that the funds they raised went to such a deserving cause, Representing STBN Diane Crompton said “the centre is a fantastic facility for people with autism to enjoy, the range of activities is amazing, we are delighted to see that the money raised on the night has been used on such a positive project”

Autism Initiatives are one of 105 members of STBN through their Great Little Place Café on Houghton Street which is an award winning caf serving delicious snacks throughout the day.

“Community Link Foundation are committed to helping enhance the lives of local people and this project fitted perfectly in with our ethos” said Chairman David Barron “we are now starting to see more grant applications coming in and we would encourage any individuals or organisations who feel that we can help to get in touch, our grant criteria is available on our website”

David also explained that the Foundation are also looking for individuals and organisations to raise funds which the Foundation can put to good use in the local area and if anybody would like to get involved please email or call 01704 531080.

Special thanks to all STBN members and also to Lisa Chu and Sarah Moore and the team at STCC who helped organise and coordinate the raffle at the Ambassador Awards, both Community Link Foundation and STBN are very grateful.

In the picture l-r are: Ron Hutchinson CLF, Dave and John service users at Mere Brow, Andrea Brown Manager at Mere Brow and Diane Crompton Southport College
Autism InititAutism Initit