Charity of the Year

Charity of the Year

Every year many companies choose a charity partner as a charity of the year and we would encourage you or your employer to do the same.

By supporting Community Link Foundation as your Charity of the Year both you and your team are helping those who need it most in our local community.

Your staff can complete team building programs, run marathons, cycle from Southport to Blackpool and all while raising funds for a well known local charity.

There are benefits too

The benefits of being an annual sponsor of Community Link Foundation are far reaching:

  • • Logo presence on our pop up banners and website.
  • • Use of our logo on your own material to highlight that you are a supporter of your community.
  • • Visibility as a supporter in our weekly update in the Visitor.
  • • Attendance for 4 guests at our annual sponsor lunch where we provide updates for all.
  • • Ability to reach out to other supporters.

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Apply for a grant

As a charity we want to help as many people as possible with our grants so if you would like to apply to be considered for a grant to help you or someone around you.

Click to apply below.

individual GrantOrganisation Grant

See who we've helped

See the impact of our work through the stories of individuals and groups we have supported. From families in need to community projects, explore the diverse range of beneficiaries who have received our assistance.

Play the £5 lottery!

Join our monthly lotto draw and support the Community Link Foundation. You can join by buying as many numbers as you want each month, each ball is £5.

Play Now

News & Insights

2 years ago

People are invited to enjoy a special Comedy Bingo night taking place at this year’s Southport Comedy Festival, to rai...

People are invited to enjoy a special Comedy Bingo night taking place at this year’s Southport Comedy Festival, to raise money for the Community Link Foundation. The date is bein...